Healing Touch Massage, Reiki, Crystal Therapy, Hypnotherapy, Life Coach, London, Ontario, Canada

Use your Mind to Heal your Body

All of your body functions are controlled by your subconscious mind. Your breathing, heart beat, body temperature, all the multiple stages of food digestion and storage, plus everything else your body does that you don’t have to think about. If your subconscious is controlling all of this, where is it getting it’s data from to preform in this certain individual way for you?

Nutrition is one of those topics that has so many conflicting opinions on what’s healthy and unhealthy, what’s good and bad for you and what diets work to lose weight. Sometimes a combination diet and exercise will yield little to no results.

My information will yield all the answers to transform your body naturally, and in a healthy, permanent way. Diet and exercise alone don’t hold the keys to your success. The answers lie deep within your mind. I will teach you how to use your mind to transform your body.

I’m not going to focus so much on how you created this mindset today, I’ll focus more on the solution. You are going to change the way you look at your body and the way you look at food.

The way you perceive your body has to completely change, literally forget your current physical body all together. Keep in mind, your body is the way it is because of these thought patterns. Right now! Start to let go and completely remove all your current thoughts and perceptions of your physical body and instead, we are going to create an image of your ideal body in your mind right now at your current age.

This, with work, will replace the picture of your body that you have held on to your whole life. This image in your mind of your body is where your subconscious gets all of its information on how to preform, and with your new self-image in mind, it will start to preform more in alignment with who you want to become.

When it comes to food, you have also created a huge data bank of information for the subconscious to use when digesting foods and how they get processed. We are going to forget everything we know about food. Stop the calorie counting, breaking down the ingredients of everything you eat, feeling guilty and thinking that the smallest amount of poor food will affect you adversely. Your thoughts are translated to your subconscious program. With a healthy mind, you can digest any thoughts, as with a healthy body connection, you can digest any food.

Start seeing your body as healthy and the way you want it to be. Start to see food in general as healthy and digestible. Eat smart, eat enough, and with a little exercise, once you give your mind the power to transform your body, you will see amazing, lasting results right away.


Holistic Healer Greg Roberts, Healing Touch Massage, Reiki, Crystal Therapy, Hypnotherapy, Life Coach in London, Ontario, Canada.

Healing Touch Massage, Reiki, Crystal Therapy, Hypnotherapy, Life Coach, London, Ontario, Canada

Open your Mind to Create Peace and Harmony in your Life

Physically, in a day, you may find it a challenge to get much done. Between getting up and getting ready, travel time and work, as well as your family’s and friends’ needs, there really isn’t much time left to get anything meaningful done. You are left in a state of feeling stuck, which doesn’t feel good at all.

Mentally, in a day you, have a much more immense amount of time on your hands. During a lot of these physical activities, your mind is idle or consumed with extremely non-productive thought. Take your focus of the physical world and start to focus on this immense amount of available time within your mind that is going to waste.

Spend all your idle time working on improving this space, The more you work with your mind the more you will clear out the noise, nonsense and negativity, with pure and non-judgmental thoughts, the space starts to become a beautiful place to be. In fact, it becomes a place of pure love and bliss, where we can find understanding and see the beauty and love in everyone and everything.

It starts with baby steps. Start by just being aware of this space and what’s being processed. With intention, start to put beautiful thoughts and words in this space… fill it with all of your dreams and wishes. Then, this not only becomes a place of peace and harmony, but also a place where you create manifestation and abundance. Your outer world changes right before your eyes and you see life in a whole new way. I want everyone to work on this and feel just how amazing this space can be. Really commit to spending time making your mind a place of love, peace, harmony and beautiful manifestation. My wish is that you all be blessed with this sacred space to spend the rest of your life cultivating.


Holistic Healer Greg Roberts, Healing Touch Massage, Reiki Energy Healing, Crystal Therapy, Hypnotherapy and Life Coaching in London, Ontario, Canada.

Healing Touch Massage, Reiki, Crystal Therapy, Hypnotherapy, Life Coach, London, Ontario, Canada

Transforming your Negativity into Positivity

It’s easy to find an abundance of things that are not going our way. It’s easy to put our focus on our hardships, obstacles and challenges. The more we focus on those things, the bigger they become and the harder it gets to become positive again, leaving us feeling hopeless, sad and even angry.

This is no way to live out our beautiful existence in life. Love, peace and harmony, feeling full of love and light, regardless of life’s challenges, are achievable for everyone, even YOU. Start making that transformation today, and keep transforming your life until you reach that place of inner peace and love.

To start the process, we can use logic and simple awareness. Has worry, stress, anger or sadness ever solved a problem for you? Probably not. That’s because they are not solutions. They are reactions, and when we maintain that state of mind, they make the problem worse.

The next step is becoming aware of the Law of Attraction in your life. We attract what we focus on the most. What are you currently experiencing and do you want more of it? Do you want more pain or more pleasure in your life? With that being crystal clear, all that is left is to create new thoughts, which will create new emotions.

Find the thoughts you have been using to create your current emotions and start creating the opposite. If you hate something, start focusing love onto it. If you’re thinking about the worst case scenario to a challenge, start focusing on the best possible outcome and be more optimistic. This will start the transformation process and give you a focus outside of your current mindset, instead of keeping you feeling increasingly trapped. Start using words like love, inner peace and harmony. Start saying things like “I love myself” and “I can do anything I set my mind to”. We can use this inner space in any way we want. You are the master of your own space and you owe it to your future self to start the transformation process today.

Your own beautiful, exciting life is waiting for you to claim it and start living it to the fullest. Take these baby steps today and tomorrow will be a little brighter. I have been through the darkest depth of my own mind, and I have found the purest love, just by using these steps with focused intention. I am so grateful that I started this transformation, and I’m excited to see you all blossom in the same way! I have my challenges, and they haven’t gone away or gotten any easier, but the love, peace and acceptance that I hold inside gets me through every one with grace and abundance.


Holistic Healer Greg Roberts, Healing Touch Massage, Reiki, Crystal Therapy, Hypnotherapy, Life Coach in London, Ontario, Canada.


Holistic Healer Greg Roberts, London, Ontario, Massage, Reiki, Hypnotherapy, NLP, Coaching.

The Law of Attraction

When we understand everything is energy vibrating at a specific frequency and these frequencies will attracts like vibrational frequencies, we set the stage for some serious magnetic energy with the Law of Attraction .

Let’s relate this to our words, thoughts, and emotions. If you embody thoughts filled with anger you will be indirectly attracting more life events to experience anger, the same with hate, fear and worry. These unpleasant vibrations will attract more unpleasant people and situations its the law the Law of Attraction.

We can now make a shift and start to attract the opposite to what we have been attracting. Know that thoughts of love will attract more love, being grateful will attract more situation to be grateful for and this is the same with thoughts of sucsess, positivity and any other vibrations we would like to attract more of you can do so with a little effort.

The Law of Attraction is our law to use and evolve our life in and direction we wish. Every moment of every day we have the opportunity to attract what we desire. This is one of the true blessings of being on our planet.

We can only focus on one thought or emotion at a time. When you experience a thought or emotion that is not for your highest good start to focus on the opposite thought or emotion and immediatly we start to transmute towards a beneficial vibration and in turn start to use the Law of Attraction to enhance and shift our life. Its your right to have the life of your dreams and this is where it starts!.

Closing your eyes and focus on the thoughts and emotions you wish to have more of in your life and you in turn will alter your vibration. Give it to the Universal Laws, embrace it, and hold onto it, be patient magic and miracles are right around the corner.

We are all vibrating at our own unique vibrational frequencies attracting to us like vibrational frequencies. We can all adjust our unique vibration by finely tuning your thoughts and emotions, inturn manifesting and attracting more of what you want into reality. Start using the Law of Attraction for your highest good in all areas of your life. Focus on what you want, day dream often and be open to all possibilities and get ready for a shift in your life.

Holistic Healer Greg Roberts, Healing Touch Massage, Reiki Energy Healing, Crystal Therapy, Hypnotherapy and Life Coaching in London, Ontario, Canada.

Holistic Healer Greg Roberts, London, Ontario, Massage, Reiki, Hypnotherapy, NLP, Coaching.

When a Loved One Passes: Their Love Lives Forever

Heartbreak isn’t only reserved for relationships. We endure some of the most challenging heartbreak when someone dear to us passes. It is a tragedy of the mind to lose someone that is so important to us in our life.

Now, I want you to take a moment to dream; not just any dream but the most amazing dream you can imagine, free and far away from the troubles of the world. Your paradise, your happy place, something magnificent.

Take this magnificent place and make it even better. Create things that don’t exist on Earth. New colors, new shapes and new textures. Imagine a paradise beyond your current comprehension and make it all your own. All that exists in this sacred space is love.

This is where your loved one awaits. Truly, the most beautiful thing is that they left something behind for you, their love…All of it. Now take their love and combine it with all of the love you already have inside you. This combination of love is so beautiful.

With this expansion of love bring happiness to the forefront of your life. With them looking down on you live everyday to the fullest. Remembering their love and live from that place in your own heart.

Love everyone you meet just like you love the one you lost, that is their gift to you. A greater love to share. They are happy, safe and blessed to be in the light. They want you to live with love in your heart until your together again.

So shine! Shine with all the love and light you have, just as they would want you to. Shining brightly is what we do best so let yourself glow!. Let the powerful, healing light within connect you to the love inside of you that they loved so much.

May Strength, Love and Light be with you

Holistic Healer Greg Roberts, Healing Touch Massage, Reiki Energy Healing, Crystal Therapy, Hypnotherapy and Life Coaching in London, Ontario, Canada.

Holistic Healer Greg Roberts, London, Ontario, Massage, Reiki, Hypnotherapy, NLP, Coaching.

How to Heal from Relationships and Move on with your Life

When you are healing from a relationship be strong and conserve your energy. This process takes time just like healing any other wound.

CREATE a place for all the memories of the past somewhere deep in your mind. Within the safety of this space securely place, all of your good memories and lock them away for safe keeping.

This is important because we learn a lot about ourselves, through the relationships we experience in this lifetime.

FORGIVE yourself for all the times you weren’t at your best and the mistakes you’ve made. It’s OK, we learn from our mistakes; that’s how we Grow.

FORGIVE the person that hurt you; they were learning many lessons of their own, that will in time help them grow on their path, at their own, at their own time, in their own way.

Sweep away the cobwebs that have bound your heart in cold silence. Release old anger, resentment, tension, worry, guilt and shame…Let go of everything that feels painful or uncomfortable by exhaling it all out….

Then, take all the bad memories and let them simply wash away like the Waves of the Ocean, taking it all away from you and back to the source where it belongs, far from here. This is Beautiful… Let it Go…

Move Forward to the next stage of your life and keep your Focus on Moving Forward and Beyond the past….
Unhitch yourself from the heavy burden that you have been weighing you down for so long…as you Clear the remains of old hurtful memories…

This is the key to finding new Happiness and Love. Get excited about your New Beginning, shine brighter than you have ever before, as Now You have Cleared the Way for Love to Flow through You and Your Life…

ALLOW your inner Love to Awaken and Fill you with Light. Now move forward without looking back!!

Sending you Strength, Healing, Love, and Happiness.

Holistic Healer Greg Roberts, Healing Touch Massage, Reiki Energy Healing, Crystal Therapy, Hypnotherapy and Life Coaching in London, Ontario, Canada.