Holistic Healer Greg Roberts, London, Ontario, Massage, Reiki, Hypnotherapy, Life Coach.

Finding Happiness in your Life

We all want to be happy. The question is “how can I be happy?”
Speaking from experience, I asked myself this question a few years ago. I then embarked on a journey to find the answer to this question.
I want to share a few of the things I’ve learned on my journey with you. If you are in pursuit of trying to find happiness as well, I hope this will help you.

Holistic Healer Greg Roberts, London, Ontario, Massage, Reiki, Hypnotherapy, NLP, Coaching.

1. Setting the foundation

Growing up I made mistakes. I had gotten into trouble and missed out on many opportunities. I would find myself repeatedly reflecting on my past, all of the “what if’s” and “should have’s” would leave me feeling unhappy and discontent with my current situation. With this reflection of the past repeating itself, I would find myself not at all optimistic about the future. I then realized that I needed to make a shift in my thinking.
So I opened my mind to a new way of thinking. I realized that right here and now, regardless of my past, that I could wipe the slate clean, and allowed this to become my foundation to grow from. When we are born, that is the first foundation we grow from, but that day, I decided that I would be born again, with a fresh new start. I decided to embody a mindset that, from this point, I could do anything that I had ever dreamt of and that I could, with work, create any life I desired.
That was a very powerful moment to put the past behind me, and to have a future that felt wide open, and to embrace that the harder I work on my dreams today, the more beautifully the future will create itself. We all need to start with this foundation to be able to grow.
This realization then put all the power in my hands… not in the past, not on anyone else: it was up to me.
How can I be Happy?

2. Judgment and Acceptance

I then embarked on the journey of self-love and self-improvement. When I looked in the mirror, I still held on to anger, guilt, sadness and pain. I had been hurt by people, but I wasn’t innocent myself… I had hurt people as well.
I knew this energy had to be released, and the first way I had found was through forgiveness. I was ready for another big shift in thinking… I first had to forgive everyone who had wronged me and, even harder, I had to forgive myself – for not loving myself enough, and that I had allowed myself to be in situations and relationships with people who hurt me.
Through learning to have forgiveness for myself and others, I was able to, for the first time, fully accept myself in the here and now, and also to find acceptance and understanding for others who had wronged me in the past by finally understanding that they are all on their own journey of learning, as well.
When I combined forgiveness, acceptance and understanding, I got my first glimpse of unconditional love.
How can I be Happy?

3. Unconditional love

With this clean slate I now had for myself and all others, I realized that we are all alike in so many ways. We are all on a journey of learning. We are all on different paths, learning different lessons, all working together. For the first time, I saw life as a beautiful cluster of unique experiences, all working together, all learning lessons together and from each other.
I made a decision to love myself and love my unique journey, and I realized that if I could do this with myself, I could extend that to every human being on earth. I decided that the people with the most challenges, the people expressing anger in their lives, needed even more love in so many ways. That’s when I realized that love is the answer, love is the cure, and I made love my life.
 How can I be Happy?

4. Expressing Love

I decided to make love my way of life. To embody it is one thing, but to express it freely is another. In a world of judgment, the free expression of love is not always accepted. I decided from that day on to embody and freely express my love, regardless of how it is perceived.
I used to think love was found in possessions, things I liked, and in intimacy, but through my journey, I realized that is not love. True love, unconditional love, is found in the expression of kindness, compassion, caring, sharing, support and understanding for myself and others.
This unconditional love spawned a huge transformation: I not only fell in love with myself, I fell in love with everyone I met and everyone I knew.
How can I be Happy?
5. Connecting to life itself.
As this unconditional love was growing inside of me, it spilled outwards into life itself. I started falling in love with mother nature, all the plants and animals. I fell in love with the air, the water, the sky, the stars, the sun, and the moon. I could see love and life all around me. Simply living and being part of the amazement of life was now such a beautiful thing.
I was one with all the energy in the universe. I realized it was all working together and that I was an unlimited, creative soul and the universe was waiting to give me my dreams… all I had to do was step up to the plate and claim them.
The answer to the question “how can I be happy?” It’s all inside you right now, waiting for you to dig deep, do the work and unlock it for yourself. You won’t find true happiness anywhere it’s created within.
How can I be Happy?
6. Becoming your higher self.
I had come a long way on my journey. I had stripped away the need for judgement. I could see everyone as equal and trying their best with the tools they had in life. I cast unconditional love on myself and everyone I met. I feel a universal connection to every living thing around me.
As I raised my vibration higher and higher I realized I am not this body; I am the energy behind this body. I realized that I am an eternal soul, looking through the eyes of this body, as is everyone and everything around me. I realized that when I leave this body, I will still live as a loving soul. I have chosen to live my life as a reflection of my higher self, everyday I choose to expanding more and more into the beauty and grace of this life.
The answer to the question “how can I be happy?” It’s all inside you right now, waiting for you to dig deep and do the work that will unlock it for you. You won’t find true happiness anywhere it’s created within.

Holistic Healer Greg Roberts, Healing Touch Massage, Reiki Energy Healing, Crystal Therapy, Hypnotherapy and Life Coaching in London, Ontario, Canada.

Holistic Healer Greg Roberts, London, Ontario, Massage, Reiki, Hypnotherapy, NLP, Coaching.

The Power of Hugs

I’ve been watching a lot of hugging and I’ve done a lot of hugging in my life. The hugs I see are not the way I feel hugging is meant to be.

I feel hugs can heal if we can just remember how to hug. I truly care about everyone I meet. I fill myself with love and I hug, holding tight, transferring this beautiful healing energy. I can feel the transfer of energy and it is purely loving and healing energy.

Hugs aren’t supposed to be just a second or two long… they are as long as it needs to be. Feel the energy. Feel the transfer of that energy. When you feel that loving connection take place and the transfer of energy is complete, you can let go.

You don’t have to be a Reiki master or energy healer to perform this type of healing hug; it’s within all of us to share and heal one another with pure unconditional love.

Hug every chance you get! Once someone feels the energy of your hug, they then learn the incredible healing power of the hug, as well.

Share and teach the world what we all already know in our hearts: we are all here to heal one another.

Holistic Healer Greg Roberts, Healing Touch Massage, Reiki Energy Healing, Crystal Therapy, Hypnotherapy and Life Coaching in London, Ontario, Canada.

Holistic Healer Greg Roberts, London, Ontario, Massage, Reiki, Hypnotherapy, NLP, Coaching.

Law of Action

Knowing and understanding the Universal Laws is beneficial. To use them and to fully utilize their unlimited power and potential, we must apply the most important of the Universal Laws when it comes to manifesting with The Law of Action.

You can’t manifest what you want into reality without taking action when doors open. It starts as a thought in your mind, thereby creating and sending out the vibration. This vibration will attract people, new opportunities, situations, and coincidences into your life. Without applying the Law of Action, however, these vibrations can never fully manifest into reality.

There is no better day than today to apply some action in your life. Action, along with your strong vibrations of positive intention, is what will bring your dreams into reality. You need to take action to be able to activate the full power and potential of the Universal Laws.

However small the opportunity, if you don’t take action, your dreams will remain forever in your mind, unfulfilled.

Affirm: Today, I will take an action when I see an opportunity or door opening, and allow the Universal Laws to work and manifest my dreams into reality, unlocking the full potential of the Universal Laws and my life.

Holistic Healer Greg Roberts, Healing Touch Massage, Reiki Energy Healing, Crystal Therapy, Hypnotherapy and Life Coaching in London, Ontario, Canada.

Holistic Healer Greg Roberts, London, Ontario, Massage, Reiki, Hypnotherapy, NLP, Coaching.

The Law of Cause and Effect

The Law of Cause and Effect states that every action has a reaction or consequence. The term “we reap what we sow” was formed based on this law. It also states nothing happens by chance or outside of the Universal Laws.

Every word, thought, and action is a CAUSE that ignites a vibration of energy which in turn creates the EFFECT whether good or bad. The law of cause and effect states that every cause has an effect and every effect becomes the cause of something else.

I take this law very serious. It’s extremely beneficial to apply it every minute of every day to all of your words, thoughts, and actions. They are all causes that in turn will create a chain reaction of events or effects.

I’ve created an awareness of this law and I constantly ask myself, will this cause give me a desired effect. We can use the awareness of this law to transform our life.

I now with awareness, focus as often as possible on positive words, thoughts and actions to create the future I truly desire for me and everyone around me, every minute of everyday, to the best of my ability. Harness the awareness of the Law of Cause and Effect and you can transform your life.

Holistic Healer Greg Roberts, Healing Touch Massage, Reiki Energy Healing, Crystal Therapy, Hypnotherapy and Life Coaching in London, Ontario, Canada.

Holistic Healer Greg Roberts, London, Ontario, Massage, Reiki, Hypnotherapy, NLP, Coaching.

The Law of Polarity

The Law of Polarity gives us the understanding of the duality we encounter with everything in life. The contrast between everything, hot and cold, positive and negative, crying and laughing, light and dark, on and off, up and down and the list goes on everything has a polar opposite.

The enlightenment comes with the knowing, that the opppsite polarities are really just one in the same, we all just experience them with different perspectives.

Understand and know that what makes you happy could make someone else sad, what you love some one will hate, and what you agree with some one will disagree.

Understanding this allows us to stop taking sides and start understanding each other. We need to be the master of our mental state and when we understand polarity it gets easier.

When we are polarized we take sides and it causes controversy, drama, and worst of all it separates each and ever one of us from being one. All someone has to do is present an opposing force of repulsion or attraction and we’re all disagreeing and fighting amongst each other. We see this so often in religion, politics and all over social media.

Our goal is to be in the middle, maintaining control over our reaction to things. You don’t have to agree or disagree you can just be as it was intended. This is a beautiful freedom.

There are two sides to everything, two poles, without this life could not exist. We can’t change this but, what we can change is our understanding of it. Free yourself from being polarized and you find peace in all of life. Start to become aware of how the Law of Polarity can transform your life.

Holistic Healer Greg Roberts, Healing Touch Massage, Reiki Energy Healing, Crystal Therapy, Hypnotherapy and Life Coaching in London, Ontario, Canada.

Holistic Healer Greg Roberts, London, Ontario, Massage, Reiki, Hypnotherapy, NLP, Coaching.

The Law of Attraction

When we understand everything is energy vibrating at a specific frequency and these frequencies will attracts like vibrational frequencies, we set the stage for some serious magnetic energy with the Law of Attraction .

Let’s relate this to our words, thoughts, and emotions. If you embody thoughts filled with anger you will be indirectly attracting more life events to experience anger, the same with hate, fear and worry. These unpleasant vibrations will attract more unpleasant people and situations its the law the Law of Attraction.

We can now make a shift and start to attract the opposite to what we have been attracting. Know that thoughts of love will attract more love, being grateful will attract more situation to be grateful for and this is the same with thoughts of sucsess, positivity and any other vibrations we would like to attract more of you can do so with a little effort.

The Law of Attraction is our law to use and evolve our life in and direction we wish. Every moment of every day we have the opportunity to attract what we desire. This is one of the true blessings of being on our planet.

We can only focus on one thought or emotion at a time. When you experience a thought or emotion that is not for your highest good start to focus on the opposite thought or emotion and immediatly we start to transmute towards a beneficial vibration and in turn start to use the Law of Attraction to enhance and shift our life. Its your right to have the life of your dreams and this is where it starts!.

Closing your eyes and focus on the thoughts and emotions you wish to have more of in your life and you in turn will alter your vibration. Give it to the Universal Laws, embrace it, and hold onto it, be patient magic and miracles are right around the corner.

We are all vibrating at our own unique vibrational frequencies attracting to us like vibrational frequencies. We can all adjust our unique vibration by finely tuning your thoughts and emotions, inturn manifesting and attracting more of what you want into reality. Start using the Law of Attraction for your highest good in all areas of your life. Focus on what you want, day dream often and be open to all possibilities and get ready for a shift in your life.

Holistic Healer Greg Roberts, Healing Touch Massage, Reiki Energy Healing, Crystal Therapy, Hypnotherapy and Life Coaching in London, Ontario, Canada.

Holistic Healer Greg Roberts, London, Ontario, Massage, Reiki, Hypnotherapy, NLP, Coaching.

The Law of Vibration

Science has shown us that everything in the universe and in the world around us is made up of moving, vibrating, patterns of energy. Everything, even our words, thoughts and emotions have their own very powerful unique vibration.

Finally, we are merging science with metaphysics. It’s now been proven that energy can’t die, it can only transform or reincarnate. Energy has no choice it must move forwards or backwards, it can’t stand still. I think most of us would like to move forward.

Your current vibration has been created by how harmoniously or disharmoniously you have lived your life to this current moment in time.

When we know that our thoughts and emotions are vibrating and you know that “like attracts like, with this awareness you can now start to change your life just by changing all of your thoughts, words and emotions.

Many of us are programmed with many old vibrations steming from a young age based on past fears, worries, anger, hates and pains. Unfortunately these vibrations attracts more of that for us. This can all change with this awareness.

When we change our old vibrational patterns and bring forward new high vibrational words, thoughts and emotions we create a new vibrational frequency. With these higher vibrations you will be able to attract into your life new higher vibration people, new higher vibration opportunities and more of what you truly want, not what you have been attracting.

We need to keep an open mind. What we think is impossible today will be a known fact in the near future to come. Learn how to send out new high vibration positive thoughts, words and emotions. When we do this everyday, we start to embark on a whole new journey and create a whole new life. Start to use the Law of Vibration in your life.

Holistic Healer Greg Roberts, Healing Touch Massage, Reiki Energy Healing, Crystal Therapy, Hypnotherapy and Life Coaching in London, Ontario, Canada.

Holistic Healer Greg Roberts, London, Ontario, Massage, Reiki, Hypnotherapy, NLP, Coaching.

Law of Correspondence

We have all heard the phrases your outer world is nothing more than a reflection of your inner world, or as within so without or as above so below.

The Law of Correspondence connects our inner thoughts to our outer reality. It becomes pretty clear when we take a good look at our outer world we quickly realize its a mirror of what’s going on in your inner world.

Where you are right now and whats unfolding in your life is a result of your most powerful inner thoughts.

Use this law to your advantage by self-perpetuating positivity and beneficial thoughts into your life. Use your will power to destroy and deminish the thought patterns that are not for your highest good.

When you take control of your inner world and create a space of peace and harmony this will immediately start to reflect on your outer world, allowing your story to unfold like a dream not a nightmare.

From this day forward, with the awareness of my inner world, I will replace my negative thought patterns with new thought patterns I want to bring into existence in my outer world.

Holistic Healer Greg Roberts, Healing Touch Massage, Reiki Energy Healing, Crystal Therapy, Hypnotherapy and Life Coaching in London, Ontario, Canada.

Holistic Healer Greg Roberts, London, Ontario, Massage, Reiki, Hypnotherapy, NLP, Coaching.

The Law of One

My love and my light are growing with each passing day. I share this love and light with every soul on earth. The more we understand the Law of One the more we all grow together.

We need to start with the knowing every soul is connected at the level of the collective unconscious, like roots to a tree, all growing together to create a combined vibration of energy for the planet.

When we truly connect at the soul level and we start to live in harmony with one another, we each increase our vibration and in-turn increase the vibration of the entire planet. Together we can create miracles.

When we don’t feel this connection and fail to live in harmony, we decrease the vibration of the entire planet. We are all one creating the vibration, everything we think, say or do affects us all.

This is the first universal law to take in and is the most fundamental law. Remember your personal growth impacts the vibration of the entire planet, you can make a difference. Your level of enlightenment increases the vibration for all of humanity.

Increase your vibration by connecting with love, caring, sharing, joy, compassion, humility, respect, honesty, and understand when you embody these you are using the Law of One to light up the whole world.

Holistic Healer Greg Roberts, Healing Touch Massage, Reiki Energy Healing, Crystal Therapy, Hypnotherapy and Life Coaching in London, Ontario, Canada.

Healing Touch Massage, Reiki, Crystal Therapy, Hypnotherapy, Life Coach, London, Ontario, Canada

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer will Live Forever within Me

Dr. Wayne Dyer touched so many lives with his words and energy. Wayne’s death is like an amazing, grandfather tree, dying at the end of a season. It is a sad thing to watch something so magnificent leave our lives, but left behind are many seeds; one for each of us to grow inside our heart.

Let that seed grow into something magnificent! We can all make a huge difference in the world just as Wayne did. He was one man, but he left an infinite amount of his love and blessings behind so that we can take that love, then grow and expand it.

Let the light shine brighter in the collective conscious and make miracles happen in this glorious world. We are his legacy, meant to carry it forward, ready to take his love and grow it to new heights.

I can’t wait to see how all of your unique trees grow, becoming brighter and more full of light every day.

Holistic Healer Greg Roberts, Healing Touch Massage, Reiki Energy Healing, Crystal Therapy, Hypnotherapy and Life Coaching in London, Ontario, Canada.