Holistic Healer Greg Roberts, London, Ontario, Massage, Reiki, Hypnotherapy, NLP, Coaching.

The Law of Attraction

When we understand everything is energy vibrating at a specific frequency and these frequencies will attracts like vibrational frequencies, we set the stage for some serious magnetic energy with the Law of Attraction .

Let’s relate this to our words, thoughts, and emotions. If you embody thoughts filled with anger you will be indirectly attracting more life events to experience anger, the same with hate, fear and worry. These unpleasant vibrations will attract more unpleasant people and situations its the law the Law of Attraction.

We can now make a shift and start to attract the opposite to what we have been attracting. Know that thoughts of love will attract more love, being grateful will attract more situation to be grateful for and this is the same with thoughts of sucsess, positivity and any other vibrations we would like to attract more of you can do so with a little effort.

The Law of Attraction is our law to use and evolve our life in and direction we wish. Every moment of every day we have the opportunity to attract what we desire. This is one of the true blessings of being on our planet.

We can only focus on one thought or emotion at a time. When you experience a thought or emotion that is not for your highest good start to focus on the opposite thought or emotion and immediatly we start to transmute towards a beneficial vibration and in turn start to use the Law of Attraction to enhance and shift our life. Its your right to have the life of your dreams and this is where it starts!.

Closing your eyes and focus on the thoughts and emotions you wish to have more of in your life and you in turn will alter your vibration. Give it to the Universal Laws, embrace it, and hold onto it, be patient magic and miracles are right around the corner.

We are all vibrating at our own unique vibrational frequencies attracting to us like vibrational frequencies. We can all adjust our unique vibration by finely tuning your thoughts and emotions, inturn manifesting and attracting more of what you want into reality. Start using the Law of Attraction for your highest good in all areas of your life. Focus on what you want, day dream often and be open to all possibilities and get ready for a shift in your life.

Holistic Healer Greg Roberts, Healing Touch Massage, Reiki Energy Healing, Crystal Therapy, Hypnotherapy and Life Coaching in London, Ontario, Canada.

Holistic Healer Greg Roberts, London, Ontario, Massage, Reiki, Hypnotherapy, NLP, Coaching.

The Law of Vibration

Science has shown us that everything in the universe and in the world around us is made up of moving, vibrating, patterns of energy. Everything, even our words, thoughts and emotions have their own very powerful unique vibration.

Finally, we are merging science with metaphysics. It’s now been proven that energy can’t die, it can only transform or reincarnate. Energy has no choice it must move forwards or backwards, it can’t stand still. I think most of us would like to move forward.

Your current vibration has been created by how harmoniously or disharmoniously you have lived your life to this current moment in time.

When we know that our thoughts and emotions are vibrating and you know that “like attracts like, with this awareness you can now start to change your life just by changing all of your thoughts, words and emotions.

Many of us are programmed with many old vibrations steming from a young age based on past fears, worries, anger, hates and pains. Unfortunately these vibrations attracts more of that for us. This can all change with this awareness.

When we change our old vibrational patterns and bring forward new high vibrational words, thoughts and emotions we create a new vibrational frequency. With these higher vibrations you will be able to attract into your life new higher vibration people, new higher vibration opportunities and more of what you truly want, not what you have been attracting.

We need to keep an open mind. What we think is impossible today will be a known fact in the near future to come. Learn how to send out new high vibration positive thoughts, words and emotions. When we do this everyday, we start to embark on a whole new journey and create a whole new life. Start to use the Law of Vibration in your life.

Holistic Healer Greg Roberts, Healing Touch Massage, Reiki Energy Healing, Crystal Therapy, Hypnotherapy and Life Coaching in London, Ontario, Canada.