Holistic Healer Greg Roberts, London, Ontario, Massage, Reiki, Hypnotherapy, NLP, Coaching.

The Law of One

My love and my light are growing with each passing day. I share this love and light with every soul on earth. The more we understand the Law of One the more we all grow together.

We need to start with the knowing every soul is connected at the level of the collective unconscious, like roots to a tree, all growing together to create a combined vibration of energy for the planet.

When we truly connect at the soul level and we start to live in harmony with one another, we each increase our vibration and in-turn increase the vibration of the entire planet. Together we can create miracles.

When we don’t feel this connection and fail to live in harmony, we decrease the vibration of the entire planet. We are all one creating the vibration, everything we think, say or do affects us all.

This is the first universal law to take in and is the most fundamental law. Remember your personal growth impacts the vibration of the entire planet, you can make a difference. Your level of enlightenment increases the vibration for all of humanity.

Increase your vibration by connecting with love, caring, sharing, joy, compassion, humility, respect, honesty, and understand when you embody these you are using the Law of One to light up the whole world.

Holistic Healer Greg Roberts, Healing Touch Massage, Reiki Energy Healing, Crystal Therapy, Hypnotherapy and Life Coaching in London, Ontario, Canada.